With wholesome ingredients and no nasties, Natures Deli's healthily balanced puppy recipe contains 62% duck and chicken to give your dog the protein it requires at this early development stage. No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, Hypoallergenic & natural, Wheat, gluten & dairy free, Made in Britain, Extra protein for growing pups. All dog breeds age 2-12 months.
Duck (31%), Chicken (31%), Carrots, Peas, Brown Rice (4%), Salmon Oil, Minerals, Chicory Root (Prebiotic FOS 0.2%), Sage (0.1%).
Nutritional Information
Typical Values |
Analytical Constituents: |
Crude Protein |
12% |
Crude Fat |
11% |
Crude Ash |
4% |
Crude Fibers |
1% |
Moisture |
70% |